A Green Co. - Eco-Friendly iPhone 12 Mini Cases Plastic Free
This is India’s first truly Eco-Friendly iPhone 12 Mini Case. A Green Co. makes 100% Compostable phone cases & plastic free meaning less waste in our landfills and oceans.
Classic Colors - Now Customizable!
These are our most popular selling colors for iPhone 12 mini case.
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iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Wheat Straw Case
₹899.00₹599.00 - Select options
Classic Design Cases
Our classic case with timeless designs.
- Sale!
Customize Your Case – iPhone 12 Mini
₹899.00₹599.00 - Select options
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The Traveller – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
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Mandala Edition – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
- Sale!
Flower Initials – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
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The Lucky Turtle – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
- Sale!
Dog Lovers – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
- Sale!
Under The Sea – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
- Sale!
Floral Handwritten – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
- Sale!
Into The Wild – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
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Harmony – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
- Sale!
Regal Parade Handwritten – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
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Holding Hands – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
- Sale!
Airplane – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
- Sale!
Family – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
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Spring Fairy – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
- Sale!
Sunflowers – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
- Sale!
Wagging Tails (Guy) – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
- Sale!
Wagging Tails (Girl) – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
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Holy Feather – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
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Wildflowers – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
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Daisies – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
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Large Daisies – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Add to cart
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Moon & Mountains – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Add to cart
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Starry Peaks – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Add to cart
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The Wise Owl – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
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Tiny Tuskers Handwritten – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
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Partners In Crime – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
- Sale!
Exotic Flowers – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
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Pretty Kitty – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
- Sale!
Floral Mandala – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
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SunnySide Up! – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,299.00₹749.00 - Add to cart
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Dolphin Dive – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
- Sale!
Sunflowers in Color – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
- Sale!
Spread Your Wings – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
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The Endangered Beast – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,299.00₹749.00 - Add to cart
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Jungle Safari – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,299.00₹749.00 - Add to cart
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Femme Fists – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
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The Lost Mermaid – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
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Tropical Sundae – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,299.00₹749.00 - Add to cart
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Shine On! – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
- Sale!
Save The Waves – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
- Sale!
Mountains Are Calling – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
- Sale!
Let The Sea Set You Free – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
- Sale!
Wild & Free – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,099.00₹749.00 - Select options
- Out of StockSale!
Crimson Queen – iPhone 12 Mini Eco-Friendly Case
₹1,299.00₹749.00 - Read more
What is an Eco Friendly iPhone 12Mini Case?
At A Green Co, we are not only committed to providing our customers with Eco-Friendly products. We help educate the public on what makes something eco friendly and how to make eco-friendly choices for iphone 12 mini. For instance, two important factors we ask our community members to look for are:
- The resources used to make a product;
- And, what components it will break down into.

Raw Materials
Companies, today, need to design sustainable and natural products. Chiefly to avoid using any synthetic, petroleum based inputs. Firstly, these require more energy to produce and release toxic substances during the production. Secondly, they are neither recycled, nor recyclable. In addition, many companies use a common greenwashing practice of selling their products as “plant-based biodegradable cases”. Whereas, these contain only 10 or 20% natural products and the rest is artificial and synthetic compounds.
A Green Co. makes its Wheat Straw material from 100% plant based natural materials. Otherwise, this material would go straight into the waste stream. Furthermore, we are enabling a shift of energy wastage towards a useful and aesthetic product.
End of Life
Today, we are using most smartphones for an average of 2 years, before discarding or breaking them. Therefore, an ideal phone cover should not stay behind for more than 1 year after its usefulness is over. Similarly, it should not lead to any discharge of damaging chemicals into the soil or water. Also, it should not break down into micro-plastics only to damage our habitats. Hence, we must select 100% Eco-Friendly products, certified by a reliable third party, not just by the producer.
A Green Co. is developing cases which fully compost within 6 months to 1 year. Hence, it is the only 100% compostable iphone 12 mini case currently on the market. Moreover, our cases comply with the strictest global standards of composting: ASTMD6400 and EN13432.

Why A Green Co. For Eco-Friendly Iphone 12 Mini Cases.
At A Green Co., our aim is to cut plastic at its source. Thus, we provide customers with an eco-friendly alternative to the traditional plastic cases.
Nearly 1 billion plastic phone cases are sold every year. As a result, humans dump tons of needless plastic into landfills and illegal dumping grounds. Till date, 20,000+ customers have joined us on this journey. Thus, simply by switching to A Green Co, they have helped reduce 1,200+ Kilograms of plastic production.